Thursday, February 11, 2010

I never.....

So I never got into the scrap-booking thing, (I taught kindergarten for a year and did enough cutting and pasting to last a lifetime!) but I do love to organize my photos and thoughts... aaannnd have been told by a few friends that it is a must do.... so I figured I'd start this fancy little blog:) Super surprising I know, since I am pretty un-techy, but now that we've become members of the 'got a cute kid' club I think it may be fun!

I also never thought I'd be an active participant in this whole narcissistic and voyeristic on-line society.... but here I am. I don't expect many readers, but I do hope to chronicle some of the nice, fun things in the life of we three Reeds. And for any of my near or far-away friends and family... I welcome your visits and input.

I have, however, always had a writing 'bug' and as many of my e-mail friends know I can be very long-winded (maybe it's long-handed) when I write..... so here you can read by choice. The birth of our son, Forest, last October is really what prompted me to get this going. Not that Jorian and I didn't have a fun, cute, blog-worthy life before Forest, but ya know, he makes it all that much more fun, cute and blog-worthy! I wish I would have started this when we first found out we were pregnant.... even though those 39 weeks were ridiculously easy and great; they were exciting none-the-less and I would have loved to have had that time documented. The big obvious 'slackerness' comes from the fact that Forest is already almost 4 months old. I don't really have the 'I've been too sleep-deprived and busy dealing with my newborn' excuse either, because he is such a rad, happy baby, and he has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old. Oh well, I'm starting it now. He has hand-written letters from me that he can read someday to learn about how I was feeling in his first 4 months of life. So.... we'll see how this goes.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed reading this! You are quite the good writer! Forest is getting so big! What a cutie!

    Aunt Suzie
