Monday, February 15, 2010

To bumper or not to bumper...?

When we were registering for baby stuff we were pretty much clueless..? I was 20 question girl to all of my veteran mom friends, but still...
We were lucky, and most things we got are proving to be great and practical... except for the crib bumper. It's cute and soft.. (I think they call it 'plush') but we freaked out the other morning when we found his face up against it. Obviously he was breathing (not only because he was full of color, but also because his breathing monitor told us so) but we freaked none-the-less. So the next day I ordered a breathable bumper. It came the other day and it's great. I put it on today after he woke up from his nap. I only tell this story because this is how I found him when I went in to get him today. It makes me laugh and I had to post it and didn't want to hear about the danger of suffocation we are putting him in when our old bumper is exposed. And I think it is hilarious how hyper-worried we are about things! Never thought that would be either:)


  1. He looks like he's saying, "Mom, I'm not sure how this happened?"

  2. I know... it's so funny. He gets his legs up there and doesn't know how to get them down. I can hear him getting frustrated on the monitor.
