Monday, February 22, 2010

All is good... he's well, and it was a great Monday!

Today Forest had his 4 month well child exam... and he's in tip-top shape. He's actually pretty close to the top of the growth curve too. He weighs 16.7 lbs, which puts him in the 81st percentile for weight, and he is in the 83rd percentile for length, at 26 inches long. We couldn't love our doctor more.... he is a general practitioner, so we all see him. Because his office gets visits from people of all ages they are thrilled when babies come in.... everyone in the office makes it out from wherever they are working to get their Forest fix:) It is very sweet. He (Forest) was super charming, as usual today and was all smiles throughout almost his entire visit... which takes quite a while because I am always '20 question girl'! He also got his shots at the end of the visit:( He only screamed for a few seconds, and as soon a Jorian picked him up and held him close he was our smiley boy again:)

I have been super lucky, and through all of our doctor & hospital visits and one specialist visit, I have never had to go alone. Jorian or one of his parents has always been able to go with Forest and me, and today was no exception; Jorian was able to clear his work calendar to be with us this morning. On our way downtown to the appointment we got a view of the thick fog bank in the Valley and Jorain commented on how yucky it looked; he is always so bumbed to leave our sunny hills and drive into the flat-land fog 5 days a week for work, but he's gotten pretty use to it.

After Forest's appointment we were walking downtown to go get our property map from the County Clerks office to see what kind of future digging we can do on our property. We couldn't help but comment about what a beautiful morning it was, and how nice it felt to be out-and-about together on a mid-week morning. Then he shocked me by saying he thought he could probably take the day off!!! A few blocks later he had made all of the calls he needed and it was a done deal.... I couldn't believe it:) We ran a few errands, then went home and packed a picnic lunch and headed out to Tuolumne to the old RR grade trail and had an awesome walk and lunch over-looking the Tuolumne River. Forest was super happy to have his dad with him ALL day... on a Monday of all days!

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